Sonntag, 8. November 2009

Woodworm update

A couple of people have asked what happened when the Worm-buster came on Friday afternoon.
Well, he took a look at the beastie (which Werner had creepily kept in a bottle for the pest man to see and identify) and said, yes, definitely "Hausbock"(Hylotrupes bajulus - in real Latin, and Old-house borer in English). The good news is that the work the carpenters did cutting and chiselling away the wood was adequate and we don't have to fumigate or otherwise spread poison about. The bad news is we have to check and possibly replace the beams at the front of the house too. And, in order to check them, we have to hack into the plaster on the front of the house.
The saga continues.
The other good news was that the pest-control man didn't charge us a call-out fee. Instead he asked that we spread the word that he's a jolly nice chap and the person to call should you need any pests controlling. So, thank you Mr Thomas Gunst, Staatl. anerkannter Desinfektor und Schädlingsbekämpfer, here's a link to your website.

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