Samstag, 5. September 2009

Axeman revealed

Luckily we remembered to get the ladder first before Werner went down into the cellar with the axe. The ancient crumbly wooden wood-wormy stairs fell apart rather easily and are now in the skip outside the house. Stahlbau Nägele are making us nice new metal stairs which should arrive around end of October. Till then there's a piece of wood across the door warning people not to fall down into the cellar/dungeon.

BTW we wanted to start earlier today but got diverted by havinng to rescue a budgie. It flew onto our balcony almost straight into Ella the cat's mouth. Werner took it off her while I ran down to get our old gerbil transport box which we took it to the animal rescue centre in. Amazingly it seems ok. Ella is still moaning at me for taking away her toy.

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