Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

Looking for the leak

If you remember, there were a few wobbly moments before we bought because of the water in the cellar.
Through a freak coincidence which involved Zoe not washing the paint brushes thoroughly, Werner washing them in the downstairs toilet sink, and me at that time looking down into the cellar, we discovered that the water (coloured white from the paint) seeping into the cellar comes from the sink in the downstairs toilet.

Since then, many men have turned taps on and off while other men removed the manhole cover in the drive and put their heads and hands down into the hole, with the result that they decided we would have to dig up the drive and find the leak in the pipe and possibly replace that bit of pipe.

Today a man came with a little green digger and made a medium sized hole.

Then he went away again (leaving his digger) because there's nothing wrong with the water pipes he exposed.

The plumber man sucked through his teeth, shook his head and said he would have to dig up the tiled toilet floor. But not today. Then he got in his little van and drove away leaving me with a digger and a hole.

More to follow soon, I hope .....

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